Projecting every night from sunset

Free Spectacular night attraction, Railway Precinct, Quorn South Australia.
Watch the Quorn Silo begin to glow at sunset and spring to life under the stars.

Enjoy this free starlit audiovisual celebration of the Flinders Ranges, the Pichi Richi Railway, local stories and heritage.  Gold Winner in 2022 Australian Street Art Awards. 



Below shows the time that the Story Feature is scheduled to start each night. Note that April and October have daylight saving variations. Arrive early to get a good place to watch. This schedule applies every year into the future.

Standard Time
April* – 6:30pm
May – 6:00pm
June – 5:45pm
July – 6:15pm
August – 6:30pm
Sept – 6:45pm
Oct* – 6:45pm

Daylight Saving
Oct – 8:15pm
Nov – 8:45pm
Dec – 9:00pm
Jan – 8:45pm
Feb – 8:30pm
March – 8:15pm
April – 7:45pm

Arrive 20 mins before show time, to get your seat or parking spot, enjoy sunset and the Curly Cue countdown leading into the show.

Starting the show each night, is an hour long sequence of Animated stories about our region co-created with regional artists and animators.  

At “Show” time the Silo features these stories about the region:

“Nukunu Welcome” spoken by Nukunu Elder Doug Turner
“The Secret Life of Water” narrated by Jacinta Hannigan
 “Quorn CWA and the Troop Trains of WW2” narrated by Lisa Southon
“Pithi Kawi Bush Tucker” narrated by Michelle Nightingale
“Our Self-Fly Adventure” character voices by Michael Mills and Cindi Drennan
“A Step back in Time” narrated by Wendy Brown
“The Rush of Steam” narrated by Jeremy Browne

(duration of the above animated stories is approx 60 minutes)

 The Show stories are followed by an exhibition of stunning photographs and artwork contributed by community members of the Flinders Ranges. This exhibition, approximately 120 minutes in duration, loops until late each night. 

Check our facebook page for updates.

Quorn Silo Light Show projects every night from sunset and the show in two parts, lasts over three hours.  It is free and in a public space where you can stay in your isolation ‘bubble’. Please follow all state and federal regulations for your own health and safety.

The public toilets at the Quorn Town Park (300m west) are open each night.

Takeaway meals may be booked at the Transcontinental Hotel, Austral Hotel or Quorn Takeaway and Pet Supplies, see “Book a Meal” below.  Find out more about where to stay and what is on in Quorn at the Flinders Ranges Visitor Information Centre.

Tips to enjoyment: BYO Chair, Torch, Insect repellent, Snacks, Warm clothing.

Sit in the viewing area near the Silo to hear the Story Sound. 
There is a Seating area with railway sleeper seats in front of the Silo, or
you can watch from your parked car and tune in on radio 87.6. More FM info here. 

Map showing access, parking and seating areas: (click for enlarged view)
Map of access, parking and seating areas at Quorn Silo Light Show

Parking: for pedestrian safety, the railyard parks are always closed at night. Please park on Railway Terrace.  Arrive early if you wish to watch from your car, so you will be sure to have a good viewing place with least obstructions. 

Bringing your own chairs or cushions is recommended. The sleeper seats can fill up on busy nights. Bringing your own chair gives you lots of options on where to sit. Carry your chairs through the pedestrian access gate. There’s an access gate through the fence on Railway Terrace in line with the Silo, and another one located close to the station building. 

Best quality sound for seated viewers, is beside the projection shed. You are also welcome to BYO FM tuner or  listen through your car radio, on 87.6 FM. 

Don’t go wandering along the train tracks or in areas beyond the path. 
Turn your flash off when taking photos.
Dispose of rubbish thoughtfully and respect our community.

Book a meal through our local pick up and take-away options.  
Transcontinental Hotel – 7 days 11am-10pm (08) 8648 6076
Austral Hotel – Open 7 days from 11am, for lunches and dinner. Booking is appreciated, (08) 8648 6017 
Quorn Takeaway and Pet Supplies – Thursday-Sunday 11am-8pm 0403 699 502

Questions, Comments, Feedback and Reviews:
Quorn Silo Light Show is an automated, unmanned installation. If you have a question, concern or issue please contact us so we can resolve it quickly for the benefit of all guests.  You can also visit us to give feedback, at the at the Visitor Information Centre.

Sharing your photos and providing positive reviews is really appreciated, and you’ll find us on google places, facebook and tripadvisor.  You can also provide some feedback in this survey:

Every Night

Story projected onto Quorn Silo

Where to watch:  Viewing area is located 70m in front of the landmark silos. Park on Railway Terrace (near Eighth Street) and follow the path.

When to see it:  Just after sunset any night of the year.

More information:

Every Night: arrive at sunset, make yourself comfortable and the show will begin as the sky deepens

Need more info? The complete source of information about Quorn Silo Light Show and other Quorn attractions, is the Flinders Ranges Visitor Centre Quorn.  Phone: 1800 220 980 (overseas +61 8 8620 0510) in office hours 
After hours contact info, address and open times can be found here on our Contact Us page.